Religious Education News

Beginning 2023 with a bang
This week students have learnt many new and exciting things about our school and particularly St Patrick and St Joseph. Year 3-6 researched the history behind St Joseph's life while K-2 visited the Church to search for St Patrick. All engaged with discussions and the many stories that encompass both their lives. To the new teachers, students and parents here at St Joseph's, this year will be a learning journey in which many people are on. So keep your head up when you feel like you don't know what's been said or understood because there are many like you learning.
International Discipleship Zoom Hosted at St Joseph's
Parish and School event: Topic - International Discipleship. St Joseph parishioners, school staff, PPC members and catechists are invited to attend St Joseph's school on Friday the 24th February between 6:00pm and 8pm in the school PLT building. The hub meeting will consist of a zoom meeting run by Chris Da Silva covering topics relating to our journeys of discipleship. More information will be given closer to the date. Food and drinks will be supplied on the night. If you are interested in attending please contact me. Thank you, Mathew Mills
Weekly Parish Bulletin
We will be offering the Sacrament of Penance in Term 1 2023 and First Holy Communion in Term 2 2023 to coincide with the feast of Corpus Christi in June. If you are interested please reach out to Mr Mills.
God bless you and keep you safe.
Mathew Mills
Religious Education Co-ordinator