Principal's News

What a start to the new school year! It is with great pleasure that we at St Joseph's welcome not only new staff but new students. Having only moved here in mid January I was blown away by the generosity of the local community and the outpouring of assistance that was offered to my family and I. I thank everyone who has offered any type of assistance or even simply had a conversation with me. Thank you.
The year has already begun with some turbulence when it comes to staffing and building works completed at school but it is a far shot from previous years considering covid and flooding. We have been blown away by the parent engagement so far and encourage these relationships to develop with all staff at St Joseph's.
My wife mentioned to me the other day that she was very happy to move wherever needed if I were to get a new job. When told about the size of Warialda and the resources available, it took her back to our time in Emerald, QLD. There were definitely more shops and things to do in Emerald but that doesn't make a town great. The moment I stepped out of the car, which was parked outside of the council building in Warialda I was greeted by a lovely group of gentlemen. These men were sitting under a shaded roof beside Hope Cafe enjoying some morning conversation. The fact that they said hello to a complete stranger wearing a suit and tie made me feel very relieved and calmed me before my hour and half interview. It was this initial welcoming to the town that gave me a sense of belonging well before I even had the chance to become the Principal. Since moving here we have had an enormous amount of support and offerings of help from anyone and everyone. I want to thank you all it is certainly appreciated.
Regular Attendance - "Every day Counts"
We remind parents to notify the school when their children are absent from school. Our school roll is marked electronically at 9 am each morning through the COMPASS portal.
It is important that you add an 'attendance note' on Compass or contact us if your child is absent from school. The CSO follows up on unexplained absences and it is vital to keep this to an absolute minimum.
With only one week completed our attendance rate has started strong at 95%.
Lets continue to give our students the best chances for success by attending school as regularly as we can.
A day away from school here or there doesn’t seem like much but absences add up.
When your child misses one day per fortnight,
they miss upwards of 4 weeks per year which equates
to one year missed over their school life.
from NSW Government - Education
Beginning of year Welcoming and Ash Wednesday Mass
Students will be participating in a Welcoming and Ash Wednesday Mass on Wednesday 22nd Feb. The mass will begin at 10:30am run by Fr. Thaddeus
God bless,
Mathew Mills