Office News

If you hold a current Working With Childrens Check, please email asap so that you can be added to our volunteers register. Please include in the email your full name, date of birth and your WWCC Number. When you come into school to help, we will take a photocopy of your WWCC card to keep on file. If you would like to Volunteer or help within the school in any capacity (including Parent helpers on excursions) you must attend a Parent Volunteer Information Session and hold a Current Working With Children Check, these records will be kept on file at the schools and updated each year.
Family Health Care Card Holders
If you currently hold a Family Health Care Card, please contact the office in person or via email and we will update your details to make sure you receive the correct school fees.
Asthma & Allergies
If your child/children has asthma or any allergies, please notify the office and provide an updated action plan from your doctor as soon as possible.