
Getting Ready to Learn
Getting Ready to Learn (GRTL) happens everyday as the first part of our day. GRTL links closely with our school vision, setting our students up for success by creating a positive start to the day and ensuring that all students feel seen, heard and valued in their learning hub.
Through Getting Ready to Learn, our students and teachers have a consistent and rich opportunity to connect with each other every day. The GRTL circle provides the opportunity to help the students to prepare their mind and body for learning, to build relationships and to learn and practise a range of strategies to manage their emotions and to regulate their emotions.
Part of every GRTL circle are the following:
(in blue text you can see the link to our school vision)
- Greeting - Students hear their name with positive regard HONOUR
- Acknowledgement of Country DIVERSITY AND CONNECTION
- Prayer - FAITH
- Positive Primer - Quick game, video clip, funny dance, jokes- FUN AND JOY
- Values and Expectations - What are our values and expectations today ? At our school? WE ARE ALL LEARNERS
- Announcements - Opportunity for students & staff to share good news - birthdays, family news, accomplishments FUN AND JOY
- Explicit teaching of a strategy / practise time - Meditation, journaling, mandalas, Mindful reading, deep breathing, Yoga, Positive self talk, Listening to music, naming/recognising emotions TARGETED TEACHING