Learning and Teaching

In Maths the children are learning about numbers. The children have been practising how to read, write and make numbers. Here are some ideas you can do with your children at home to help them with counting.
Counting numbers to 10 (and eventually to 20 and more) is important mathematics learning. This helps children to use the number words to describe and think about quantities.
Look for numbers and notice people using numbers counting when you are:
• Dressing for the day or dressing for bed.
• Going shopping.
• Reading a story.
• Driving in the car.
• Walking down the street,
• Catching a train.
• Moving between rooms in the house.
• Visiting family and friends.
• Playing in the park.
To celebrate Ash Wednesday, we will be joining the Parish Mass for Ash Wednesday.
P-2 Students celebrating through prayer in GRTL.
St Gabriel’s Ash Wednesday Mass: 12:00pm (Year 3-6 students and educators attending)
Sacramental Dates 2023
Year 6 Confirmation: Sunday April 30th at 3pm
Year 3 First Reconciliation Friday 2 June 9.30am
Year 3 First Communion: Sunday August 6th at 10am
*Reconciliation is a very personal Sacrament and to honour this, parents and friends will not be invited to this Sacrament.
Digital Technology
Hi families, over the past two weeks our children have engaged in Digital Safety and Wellbeing sessions run by Inform & Empower. Children in Years 1-6 joined a live session run by Marty McGauran where they learnt about being safe online. We have attached some resources stating what children learnt, along with conversation starters for home.
Parent Resources:
Parent Webinar
If you are interested, there is an opportunity for parents to join a webinar about ‘Raising Kids in a Digital World 2023’.
Details below:
Date: Thursday 23 February
Time: 7.30pm (90min)
To register, please click the link bit.ly/23feb2023