Tutor Learning Initiative
Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI)
For the last two years, students who were identified as benefiting from additional Literacy and Numeracy intervention have been supported through the MYLNS ( Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support) and TLI (Tutor Learning Initiative) programs.
These programs have been highly successful and have seen student growth in academic outcomes as well as increased confidence in all aspects of learning.
For 2023, these programmes have been amalgamated and are now called the TLI Literacy and TLI Numeracy programs. Year 8–10 students who are included in the programs have been identified by formal and informal assessment as well as teacher recommendation.
The format for these programs is slightly different to previous years. Students work in small groups (usually three students) and are withdrawn for half lessons from classes, twice a week. The timetable is on a fortnight rotation so that favourite subjects are not missed more than four half-lessons per term.
Students will initially be in the program for one Term only. The intention of the program is to give students a confidence boost in all classes. Students can opt to continue in the program longer if they wish.
Over one hundred students and five teachers are involved in the program for Term 1. Students have already given feedback that they are enjoying the opportunity to work in small groups to increase their Literacy and Numeracy skills.
Parents/carers can nominate their child for the program at any time by emailing me.
Leanne Wilson
Learning Support and
Enhancement Leader