Instrumental Music

By Kylie De Niese

Parkdale Instrumental Program

Once again, our involvement with the Mordialloc Rotary Gnome and Fairy Festival proved a huge success. Student involvement was at a high, with students helping with Face Painting hundreds of children’s faces, and serving up plenty of Fairy Floss sticks, and at one point Australia Post bags while we frantically tried to find more sticks as we sold out! 

Students also got their time in the spotlight performing in the afternoon for the festival audience and dancing with children on the staging area!


A big thank you to all the Instrumental and Music teaching staff who came along to help on the day. Also, to all the students who signed up and helped in various aspects not only as performers but also with the fundraising on the day.

Special mention to the following students who really stepped up on the day, helping Parkdale, the Mordialloc Rotary Club, and for just being amazing from start to finish:


Music Captains: Jenson Makin and Jason Hogg

Junior Performing Arts Captain: Milla Bruce

Emily Dewar

Asha Block


Looking very forward to planning for the festival in 2024!


We are also looking forward to upcoming school performances at our Instrumental and Singing Soirees in Term 2. 

Students have been attending weekly lessons and lunchtime rehearsals in preparation, so I know we have some good nights coming up.

Dates will be confirmed for the start of Term 2. 


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