Assistant Principal Report - Junior School 

Mrs June Sainsbery


The NAPLAN testing period has now concluded.  The testing period went quite smoothly.  There were a small number of students who were required to use school laptops because of technology issues.  Results will be available to parents in term three.


Year 7

Although our Year 7 students are settling in well, we are keen to work on building their resilience and capacity to cope with the challenges that secondary school (and life) may present by teaching students how to use preventative mental health tools.  The Year 7 Team arranged for ‘Toolbox Education’ to present to each of our year 7 Tutor Groups.  Toolbox Education provide wellbeing workshops and are delivering sessions designed to foster emotional regulation.  We are also running a trial with one year 7 group (delivered by Priya, our Mental Health Practitioner) that focusses on mindfulness and distress tolerance. After reviewing, we will roll this out to other groups over the course of the year. 


Year 8

To ensure that all students spend part of the year in our new Junior Learning Centre, we are rotating the classes at the beginning of term two.  8A, 8B and 8C will move out of the JLC to North Wing.  8I, 8J and 8K will move from North Wing into the JLC.


Year 9

All Year 9 students participated in Morrisby Profiling during term one.  The profiling involves the students using innovative software to identify their strengths.  Students receive a comprehensive personal profile that raises self-awareness and is valuable for pathway planning.  Students were also able to debrief with a trained counsellor who talked the students through the various elements of the profile.


Parent-Teacher Interviews

These will be conducted on Monday 24th April, the first day of term two.  I urge you to ensure you book a Webex time with your child’s teachers to discuss their progress.  It is good to be able to celebrate their success as well as discuss strategies for improvement.  You will be able to make appointments from Tuesday 4 April.