
Mr Jake Phin and the Wellbeing Team

After another busy start to a new school year, it has been so positive to see that students are continuing to feel more comfortable than ever accessing support through their peers, staff and our college Wellbeing Team. 


This term, Year 7 students were lucky enough to learn more about emotional regulation from the team at Toolbox Education, whilst our Year 10 students listened to a guest speaker on the power of positive wellbeing and self image, in line with the work already being done in the area of respectful relationships. 


Year 11 students heard from the Black Dog Institute as part of their Futures Program whilst Wellbeing staff presented to Year 12 students on stress management throughout term and on their camp. Parents and carers were also treated to a fantastic presentation by the Butterfly Foundation. 


Most importantly, the hard work of our teaching staff has not gone unnoticed, as we all work collaboratively to create supportive and inclusive classroom environments the benefit every student at the college.


Of all the students we work with, a common theme that has kept presenting itself through Term 1 has been burnout. Now students can’t always articulate this to us exactly, but burnout is an ever present topic of discussion when talking about our stress, self care, or how we can best manage our emotions. Maybe this is even something you are noticing within yourself?


As we know though that regular stress and burnout are not quite the same thing, it’s important to understand the differences and access appropriate supports. The following links from ReachOut may be a helpful guide for your young people to help them notice the warning signs so they can look out for themselves and their peers in an effort to prevent feeling burnt out and prioritise self care.





The Wellbeing Team and I encourage you all to take the opportunity to reset and recharge over the holiday break. We have a number of exciting things to look forward to in Term 2 and look forward to sharing these all with you soon!



Jake and the Wellbeing Team