Vocational Major

By Kerri Fulton


‘City Experience’

On the 21st of March, our Years 11 and 12 VCE-VM students undertook a day in Melbourne, where they completed valuable experiences aligned with meeting their Learning Outcomes. Year 12 students attended the State Library of Victoria and undertook a Research Workshop and then completed a targeted Numeracy task. Year 11 students attended a Youth Homeless City Tour with the Salvation Army and then participated in The Big Issue Workshop. 

The students participated in all events with enthusiasm and respect and we are very thankful for their attitude on the day. All of the presenters commented on how well the students took part in all of the activities.

 ‘BKGLLEN Industry Expo’

On Thursday 23rd, the Year 10 Vocational students attended the BKGLLEN Industry Expo at Beaumaris Secondary College. This Expo was run to introduce the students to the different industries available to them for their future pathways. The students were very engaged in all of the activities and came away with lots of ‘freebies’, cakes, hoodies, chocolates and so much more. Once again, the students should be very proud of their involvement. Many of the stall holders commented on how well the students listened and interacted on the day, thank you.

Kerri Fulton

Vocational Major Coordinator