By Janelle Scott


On Wednesday March 22nd, Year 7 STEP had their long awaited Water Rocket Competition! There were 3 different categories to compete in, they were

  • Furthest distance
  • 10m accuracy 
  • Team colours/Strong brand 

We are excited to announce the winners as follows

Furthest distance Winners 1st – Woolies Roast Chicken with a distance 25.7m

2nd - RNR with a distance of 25.2m and 3rd - Orange Claw with a distance of 23.2m.

10m accuracy Winners 1st – Grape 

2nd – RNR and 3rd – Blue Ball

Team Colours/Strong Brand Winners 1st – RNR, 

2nd Woolies Roast Chicken and 3rd Pepsi Max

Congratulations to our winners and well done everyone else it was a very tough and close competition!



Yr 7 STEP team.



In robotics, students along with the help of Mr Loxham have been working towards designing and programming useful utilities to their robots that will help them compete in competitions. These skills we have been teaching our robots include line following and moving objects. Great progress had been made across the board, with over half of the teams being able to successfully follow a line. Everyone's engineering minds are being put to work as our robots are slowly being built from the ground up. Mr. Loxham provides great support like always, with his great teaching and even greater speeches. With robots running out of the classroom, and a lot of laughs, there is never a dull moment at STEP robotics.


Max L & James B




Ripper Start to the Year

With 2023 well underway our top year 8 Coders have been smashing out ‘AI Chatbots’ and ‘Battle Bot Simulators’ for their final projects this term. The level of coding ability is mind blowing.

Next term those coding skills will be put to the test as they code up our SUMO battle bots. Exciting times.


Vito Boglietti


STEP F1 RACING                                                                                                                                       

Our F1 Racing students have formed teams that are utilising CAD software to collaborate, design and analyse miniature F1 racing cars.  Our next step will be manufacture and assembly of the cars.  The cars will be 3D printed using our printers at school and students will put the finishing touches to cars including wheel and axle assembly.  Our final competition day (late in term 2) will involve racing the cars (powered by compressed CO2 canisters) down our track and formal presentation of portfolios that teams have also created.

Mr Thompson



Our awesome STEP Forensics students have been working hard lately!  They have been making casts to analyse, looking at blood spatter patterns, trace fibres, Odotology – (the Forensics of teeth) – and yes they worked out that it was “Jemma” that took the cheese!  Great work everyone, can’t wait to see what you come up with for your “Crime Scenes” next term.


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