Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Bella P

For always showing respect when sitting on the floor in a listening shape (Rick D3) 

Lexi J

For being a kind and friendly member in D4 (Holly D4)

Evie J

For a wonderful job at independent reading (Hannah D5)

Elias W

For always trying his best and showing maturity in our classroom. You are a great role model, Elias! (Jessica M1)

Damien M

For getting started on his work straight away. Great job! (Rebecca M2)

Tannar S

Congratulations Tannar. It has been fantastic to see your independent editing during writing (Claire M3)

Abby A

For the way you have settled so quickly and responsibly into Year 2. You are a wonderful role models for others. Great job, Abby! (Ms W & Ms K M4)

Indiana K

For showing the school value of Kindness by helping others! Well done, Indi!  (Amelia M5)


Outstanding Achievers

James B

For being such a helpful member of B1 (Mrs Brown B1)

Arham A

For displaying excellent maths skills and trying his best when handwriting (Brooke B3)

Seth C Yr 4

For showing great interest in Integrated Studies (Mr Loader B4)

Jack D

For transitioning between tasks quickly and quietly (Miss J & Lauren B5)

Braxton J

For a fabulous start to home reading (Kyra & Emily P S1)

Mitchell C

For taking great care of his buddy (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Jonny D

For sharing his wealth of knowledge on a variety of topics (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Cooper W

For always having a positive attitude when learning (Mr C S3)

Caius B

For sharing enthusiasm when learning place value in maths! (Troy S4)



Bella P D3

For working well with others during STEM (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Willow P M5

For demonstrating creativity in completing our Lego tower challenge (Mr Mitchell STEM)

James B B1

For showing patience in constructing a Lego tower as tall as himself (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Mitchell C S2 

For designing and building a strong and supportive tower (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Jet K S2

For designing and building a strong and supportive tower (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Kobe J M4

For being a very thoughtful and caring young man (Miss Wood & Katherine)

Macy M B3

For being such a thoughtful and excellent helper (Miss Wood & Katherine)

Jax W B3

For being a fantastic and supportive classmate in PE (Miss Wood & Katherine)

Harrison R B3

For following all of our PE rules and being a great role model (Miss Wood & Katherine)

Annabelle P B1

For being an excellent PE participant (Miss Wood & Katherine)