Focus on Learning 

Miss Sallie Pilgrim and Mrs Rebecca Hofman

Kindergarten Writing

This term, Kindergarten have been learning all about informative texts. Our learning journey began at the start of the term by putting on our detective goggles and looking for differences between narrative picture books and information texts. We enjoyed looking through a variety of books and were successfully able to categorise these books as either 'made up' or 'real', noting that the books in the 'real' category contained true information, pictures (sometimes with labels) and headings or sections, and those in the 'made up' category were stories that were not true or had made up characters (such as typing cows!). 


Once we had built our understanding of what an informative text looks like, it was time to start creating our own. It was perfect timing that Mrs Hofman was getting ready to welcome a new puppy into her family, so we agreed that it would be a great idea to write our first text about dogs, helping Mrs Hofman learn lots of important information along the way!  


As a class, we decided there were many different ways we could gather our facts about dogs, ensuring the information was true. Our research consisted of reading books from the library, watching videos about dogs and discussing what we know about dogs from having them as pets in our homes. We decided on collecting information under four headings: Appearance, Habitat, Diet and Interesting Facts. After obtaining the necessary information, we worked diligently over a two week period to put our facts into well-written sentences. After lots of hard work, we were excited to put the finishing touches into our information report by including a labelled diagram.  Impressed with our efforts, we excitedly shared our finished products with Stage 3 last Friday, who were equally amazed!


Click on the link below to read our information reports!


Kindergarten Information Reports - Dogs