Senior School

From the Head of Senior School 

Thank you all for your support during another busy but productive term. Good luck to the Year Twelve ATAR students who are sitting Semester Two exams during the break. My best wishes to all Senior School students and parents for a restful and restorative break.

Year Twelve, 2022

As we farewell our current Year Twelves we begin preparation for Year Twelve, 2022. Heads of House will be in contact with our Year Eleven families early in Term Four to review progress and decisions about subjects for Year Twelve, 2022. For most students this is straightforward – they continue with their suite of subjects from Year Eleven. Others will wish to make changes based on their progress through Year Eleven; either relatively superficial ones, such as dropping a subject for a study line, or significant changes of pathway.  It will be possible to review progress and consider changes after the Year Eleven Semester Two exams for the ATAR students, with the final deadline Friday December 10.


We hope to offer the successful UniReady programme again in 2022 should the demands be there. Essentially, this course is the Curtin University preparation course which we deliver on a subject line in Year Twelve. It provides an equivalent 70 ATAR for entry to some courses at Curtin and other partner universities. Parents seeking information about this programme are asked to contact their child’s Head of House to discuss the student’s suitability for the programme. As I will be running the course again next year, I can then provide further specific information.


In the meantime there is much to look forward to. At the start of Term Four the student leaders for 2022 will be announced. I have thoroughly enjoyed talking with those students who put themselves forward, and we are currently undertaking the most difficult task of allocating roles and portfolios to such a fine group of young people.


Finally, it is worth noting for ATAR students that the Universities are now offering Early Entry places to some of their courses (usually the more general ones without student number caps, not the more specialised) to students based on their Year Eleven results. I expect this to continue next year. Therefore there is a real incentive to work very hard for the rest of this semester to achieve as high marks as possible to lock in a place at University in 2023.


Mr Mark Bonnin | Head of Senior School