From the Deputy Principal

Reflection and planning

Last week I wrote about 'Achievement Addiction' and suggested that sometimes, our focus can be a little too much on just getting things done and not enough on our shared humanity.  One way to look at this is there’s the very real danger that “succeeding” will take up your whole life, while the big questions go untended.  And, it's a good time of the year to reflect on the impact we have been able to have on others and how we might want to continue with this, next year.  As I have been teaching, meeting and talking to people this week I have been struck by the numbers of people in our community who have really focused on the big questions rather than getting caught up in simply succeeding.  The big questions are things like: What's really important? How can we live a good life? How might we be of service to others?


In attending our Winter Sports Awards I saw and heard about so many people, students and parents, who give so generously of their time and expertise to make our children's lives richer.  I've met with many of our teachers and leaders, sharing their Annual Reflection and Planning meetings, and had engaging conversations about how they have contributed to our community and what their plans and hopes are for the year ahead.  I attended the Boarders' Chapel, farewelling Year Twelves, and heard about our students' dreams for the future and how they want to serve their communities.  We are about to thank our volunteers and recognise their contributions to our school community.   What an amazing community we are lucky enough to share in, full of people answering big questions.  



Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal