Specialist News

Term 3

Feature News: 

Selamat pagi dan selamat datang kembali!

Welcome back! We are so excited that we'll soon be face-to-face with students again, we have missed everyone so much!

The Foundation students this week began learning how to ask and answer "What is your name?" and practiced answering this with family members, themselves and even some teddies! I am so proud that students were able to practice their speaking skills!

In 1/2, students began learning family names, and labelled a drawing or picture! There is a link to our Wellbeing Respectful Relationships when talking about family in Indonesian, because it is really interesting that you do not need to specify gender when talking about your older or younger sibling in Indonesian!

3/4 students this week began looking at Indonesian currency and large numbers. This activity was very close to maths, as they developed an understanding of the number patterns used and converted Rupiah into Australian dollars! 

In 5/6, students began planning and revising language to create a personal profile. This is a chance for students to review all the language topics they have learnt throughout their years of learning Indonesian, including describing their name, age, interests, hobbies and much more! 

Have an amazing week!

Sampai nanti,

Bu Marissa Mundy

Pupil of the Week Indonesian

Junior:  Winter O (FH)

Hebat, Winter! You have demonstrated a love of learning and creativity with a truly brilliant effort to introduce the names of so many toys and friends in Indonesian!


Senior: Vanessa C (5/6SB)

Astaga, Vanessa! You have created an amazing personal profile plan this week! Well done for demonstrating a wide range of vocabulary across all the topics we have learnt! I love that you’re already thinking of connectives! Bagus sekali!

Pupil of the Week Performing Arts

Junior: Taj F (1/2G)

For demonstrating a love of learning by taking his learning further and completing his own table of good and bad Fairytale characters. Super work!

Senior: Iris T (3/4O)

For demonstrating creativity, skill and taking her learning to the next level by sewing together a costume for her Fairytale character.  What a star!

Pupil of the Week Visual Arts

Junior: Taj F (1/2G)

For his colourful 'All about me' artwork. What a neat and creative artwork that showcases your personality. Great effort, keep up the amazing work! 


Senior: Clara Y (5/6C)

For sharing a wonderful 'All about me' artwork. Your personality shines through your creative and skilled art piece. Well done, outstanding work!

Pupil of the Week Physical Education

Junior: Molly B (1/2Y)

For sharing an outstanding presentation of your ball skills, the time and effort you put in to your task is much appreciated! I loved your creativity with developing your new skill of 'chuck under the leg'! Brilliant Molly!


Senior: Indi P (5/6B)

For sharing an innovative and creative 'Mini Golf' task! A lot of thought and resources went into your mini golf course you designed, outstanding work!