Discovery Centre


Selamat siang!


Terima kasih to our wonderful Foundation students and families for your ongoing support and a fantastic start to Term 4! Well done to all of our fabulous foundation students for getting straight back into our Google Meet routines! We know that the students are looking forward to returning to the classroom and we trust that it won’t be long until we are back together. Thank you again for your continuous support!


Over the coming weeks we will be conducting one-on-one assessments with a focus on reading during our Remote Learning days (Thursday and Friday). Please keep an eye out on Sentral this week for an email from your child's teacher with an individual assessment date and time.


During our first week back we covered all areas of Literacy. We spent time in our reading groups practising our reading strategies and making predictions about the books that we read. Students used their creativity to predict what would happen at the end of Mrs Smaller’s library book ‘At the Vet’. Foundation did an excellent job of practising our Speaking and Listening goals when sharing about a learning and personal goal for Term 4. Miss Tossell, Mrs Martin and myself (Miss Henwood) are very excited to support students to achieve these goals!

Imaginative recount - You're flying in a plane... what can you see? By Anisha
Imaginative recount - You're flying in a plane... what can you see? By Brax
Imaginative recount - You're flying in a plane... what can you see? By Clara
Holiday recount - by Elliot
Imaginative recount - You're flying in a plane... what can you see? By Joshee
Holiday recount - by Winter
Imaginative recount - You're flying in a plane... what can you see? By Anisha
Imaginative recount - You're flying in a plane... what can you see? By Brax
Imaginative recount - You're flying in a plane... what can you see? By Clara
Holiday recount - by Elliot
Imaginative recount - You're flying in a plane... what can you see? By Joshee
Holiday recount - by Winter


In Mathematics last week, students used our problem solving strategy ‘make a table’ to record information as they counted different things in their house like chairs, pillows, devices and beds. They did an amazing job of making a graph to show the information which helped them to see what they had the most and least of. During our Mini Maths sessions, students used their creativity to think of Yes or No questions, like do you like playing at the beach and do you like chocolate, to ask the group members. They did a brilliant job of making a graph to show the responses from their peers.

Do you like elephants or pandas better?
Do you like ice cream or apples better?
House graph
Do you like playing with planks?
Do you like elephants or pandas better?
Do you like ice cream or apples better?
House graph
Do you like playing with planks?


Throughout the school, we have an emphasis on Wellbeing, particularly during such difficult times. Students were excited to reconnect with their teachers and peers during our morning check-ins and eagerly shared about their holidays. Through our weekly choice board, students had the opportunity to go character strength spotting in books at home by thinking about the character strengths that different characters have shown. Did you know that the animals in one of my favourite stories – No Way Yirrikipayi! – use bravery by not letting the yirrikipayi (crocodile) eat them? 


We look forward to another wonderful week,

Miss Tossell, Mrs Martin and Miss Henwood


  • Curriculum Day Monday (11th October)
  • Specialist Day on Wednesday for Remote Learning
  • FD you have a new Google Meet link with Mrs Martin
  • Please check Sentral regularly for updates around school news and events
  • Hats are worn when back onsite

Student Voice

Here are some of our Term 4 Goals:

  • "My learning goal is to learn two letter codes" - Amatullah
  • "My personal goal is to work on the character strength perseverance" - Joshee
  • "My school goal is I want to practise the king of the codes and the queen of the codes" - Phoebe
  • "My personal goal is tying my shoes" - Nethun

Pupil of the Week

FD: Adnan A - 

For working hard to complete all your tasks during Week 1 and using perseverance in your speaking and listening goals to stand still and use a nice clear voice. Well done Adnan.


FH: Brax R -

For demonstrating creativity and a love of learning when writing your imaginative recount. Well done for experimenting with different types of punctuation like talking marks, that made your writing interesting. You have been working hard on your speaking and listening goals and read your writing with lots of expression! Bravo Brax!


FJ: Anouk D -

For demonstrating a love of learning when creating a learning goal and personal goal for Term 4. Anouk you thought deeply about what you can do to continue to grow as a learner. Excellent work!