Inquiry Centre


Selamat siang! We were so excited to see everyone’s smiling faces through GoogleMeet. Thank-you to our students and families for quickly jumping back into our usual Remote Learning routine. We look forward to returning to the classroom soon. 


For Literacy, students focused on developing their ability to identify and connect information in texts. They carefully identified keywords and important information to show their understanding of paragraphs they read or listened to. We were very impressed with the life-long learning students showed throughout their activities. 


In Writing, we began our unit on procedural texts focusing on their structure and how we can use command verbs to give clear instructions. It was wonderful to see students use their creativity when writing a recipe for fruit salad or sandwiches. Using words such as slice, chop or sprinkle add detail to our instructions making them clear and easy to follow. I wonder what other command verbs you can find in recipe books you have at home?



In Maths, we reviewed our knowledge of Place Value and built on our skills developed throughout the year so far. Students used their knowledge to read, write and order three, four and five digit numbers and explored how they can use their place value knowledge to add or take numbers. 

The Choice Board contains additional optional activities that families can choose to do. This includes activities related to our Guided Inquiry, Science, First Nations and Wellbeing topics as outlined in the Term 4 Statement of Intent. In Guided Inquiry this term we are exploring how we can use our creativity and problem solving to design and build new objects. For Science we are investigating the effects of push and pull forces on objects through the use of ramps, levers and pulleys. 


In Wellbeing we explored mindfulness and how we can maintain our focus and a sense of calm. When our mind is full, we can feel overwhelmed, but when we take the time to be mindful we can be calm and in the Green Zone. The wellbeing activity in the choice board focused on identifying times when our mind is full or when we can show mindfulness. Next week, the wellbeing activity will build on this by practising relaxation techniques to help us feel mindfulness.



Due to the Curriculum Day on Monday, our MiniMaths and Literacy Small Groups may be different. Please ensure you check Seesaw to find out what day your child/ren attend these sessions. 


Have a wonderful week,

Miss Glen, Mrs Gill, Miss Honan, Mr Jenkins, Mrs Seadon, Miss Tillotson and Miss Wang


  • MiniMath and Literacy Group GoogleMeets may be different this week. Please check Seesaw
  • Morning GoogleMeet Check-In at 9:30am
  • Literacy GoogleMeet Sessions at 12:30pm

Student Voice

This term in Maths I would like to learn about:


  • "Using skip counting to add money" - Mia T
  • "Number lines" - Donovan S
  • "Division and Multiplication" - Ram P
  • "Learning about big numbers like hundreds of thousands and millions" - Xavier H

Pupil of the Week

1/2G: Taj F

For demonstrating love of learning and zest when sharing a summary and recommendation of a new book. It is great to see you showing leadership over Google Meet by sharing your passion for reading. Keep it up!


1/2H: Ashlee C - 

For demonstrating curiosity and life-long learning when completing your Seesaw tasks. You consistently put in your best effort and use videos to add explanations and show your thinking. Amazing work Ashlee!


1/2J: Isla S - 

For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance when writing over 2 pages for your holiday recount. You have show so much improvement when using punctuation and capital letters in your writing. Impressive, Isla! 


1/2ST: Harry Z - 

For demonstrating perseverance when writing your holiday recount. You listened to feedback and went back to your work and added more detail including correct punctuation and a sizzling start, creating a wonderful piece of writing! Well done Harry! 


1/2W: Kevin Z - 

For demonstrating curiosity and a love of learning while engaging with your Seesaw learning tasks. It is great to see you having your best go at completing each of the activities and providing lots of voice comments to share your understanding. Keep up the great work, Kevin! 


1/2Y: Eva C - 

For demonstrating a love of learning when presenting a creative procedural text titled ‘How to Make Bubble Art’. You worked hard to share the steps and included a photo example too. Keep up the great work Eva!