Independence Centre


Selamat siang!

Thanks to all our 3/4  families and students for an awesome first week back at school! Hopefully not too much longer until we start to get back into the classroom. It was fantastic to see all of our 3/4 students getting back into their routines and there was lots of social catching up on Zooms! Thank you again for the ongoing support of your children and our learning community. We know this is a difficult time and we are always looking for ways we can support our students.


Over the coming weeks we will be conducting some assessment tasks with students, with a focus on reading. We will be sending out calendar invite links via Sentral, assessments will be conducted in small blocks of time. If possible, it would be great if you could select one block of time for the one-to-one assessment. We ask that due to the one-to-one nature of the assessment that they are conducted in close proximity of a parent or carer (Parents and carers are not required to be in the Zoom session).  


During our Literacy sessions last week, students focused on note-taking when watching an information video. It was great to see students sharing their notes with new things that they were able to learn and questions that they would like to investigate further! After their note-taking sessions, students were given the opportunity to create a fact file using all of the information that they were able to gather. It was great to see a wide range of fact files, be sure to ask your children to see theirs! Next week we will begin to create goals using the SMART strategy for Term Four. 


Mathematics last week saw students take on some challenging fraction problems and games! It was awesome to see students jump straight into these tasks and begin to challenge themselves with the option of different levels of difficulty. It was great to see so many different problem-solving strategies, ask your child what their favourite strategy is! Next week we will continue to explore fractions and possibly even begin to look at decimals.


As a school, we continue to have a strong focus on well-being across the Independence Centre. Students in 3/4D recommend that to help feel our best during remote learning we try to take lots of brain breaks from the screen and take part in some outdoor recreation activities. We have included many different physical brain breaks in the daily slides to assist with taking a screen break. Now that the weather is starting to get better… at least some of the time, try to get outside and enjoy some fresh air when you can! 


We hope you have a wonderful week,

Mr Dix, Miss Gasowski, Mrs McCoy, Miss Molloy, Mr O’Connor and Miss Richardson :)




  • Students to check small group timetables
  • Literacy Live Zoom - daily at 9:15am
  • Mini Maths Zoom - daily at 10:00am
  • Keep an eye out for assessment calendar invites

Student Voice

  • “I have really enjoyed learning about fractions and feel confident!” - Jess 3/4D
  • “I  can’t wait for the Minecraft Zoom to work on our spaceships!” - Charlie 3/4D
  • “I am really looking forward to getting back to school to see all of my friends!” - Natasha 3/4D

Pupil of the Week

3/4D: Mitchell J  -

Well done using your strength of prudence to come to our morning Zoom session after the school holidays and the change in time from daylight savings. Keep up the great work, magnificent Mitch!


3/4G: Theo S -

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when creating your fact file on narwhals! Sharing your work with your classmates helped others to understand the task too. You have made an excellent start to Term 4. Thrilling, Theo!


3/4K: Angus K -

Well done by using your strengths of confidence and zest when sharing your ideas in morning Zooms. You listened to your peers and built on their ideas by adding your own reasons and evidence. Amazing, Angus!


3/4M: Oliver LW -

For demonstrating great perseverance and a love of learning during our first week of Remote Learning for Term 4. I have been so impressed with the effort you have put into all of your tasks. Outstanding, Oli!


3/4O: Maitri S - 

For demonstrating teamwork and a love of learning. You were thoughtful and considerate as you made connections between the text, your classmates and your own prior knowledge. You helped us think deeply during our Literacy Live Zoom. Magnificent Maitri


3/4R: Briana S -

For demonstrating the Character Strength Love of Learning when completing your learning tasks during our first week back of Term 4. You have shown an incredible amount of determination by completing all of the work to the best of your ability. Your effort has blown me away. Brilliant, Briana!!