Leadership Centre


Selamat siang!

Welcome back! We hope all Leadership Centre families enjoyed two weeks away from the Remote Learning screens and time with family! We can’t believe it’s Term 4 already, we are excited to get straight back into learning as we prepare for a return to on-site learning soon. It has been impressive seeing students settle back into daily routines and completing tasks. 


In Mathematics last week, we finished our Chance unit and students impressed their teachers with their growth shown in Essential Assessment. Over the next couple of weeks, students will be able to access their Learning Goals through Essential Assessment and view their ‘I can statements’ to see their own growth and future next steps. This week we will finalise our Division and Statistics and Data Interpretation units, before moving onto BIDMAS & Volume and Capacity.


In Writing last week, the focus was to add specific description to our writing by creating expanded noun phrases. Students really enjoyed using a Where’s Wally picture prompt to describe where Wally and other characters were in the scene. Students creatively wrote a range of ‘Show Don’t Tell’ and ‘Tightening Tension’ scenes and sentences about one of the characters and included specific information about the noun and what they may be doing in the scene. 


Last week’s focus in Reading was locating and summarising information from non-fiction texts. Students listened to the story Our Home, Our Heartbeat, and Indigenous story written by Briggs about famous and influential Indigenous Australians. Students used information within the text and further researched facts about the influential person. Some popular researched people were Patty Mills, Adam Goodes and Jessica Mauboy to name a few. In Tuesday’s task, students completed the CSQ Thinking Routine after listening to a podcast called, ‘Should you give money to the homeless?’ Students were asked to record a Claim (an idea explored in the podcast), Support (what supports the claim) and Question (raise a question related to the claim). It was interesting reading through students ideas and opinions on this topic. 


With a new term comes new topics and this week we began looking at the Respectful Relationships, Topic 7: Gender and Identity in well-being sessions. Each week students will participate in a Monday morning Circle Time, a whole class lesson on Wednesday and complete an individual task after the Wednesday session. Last weeks Circle Time topic was: Born or Made. Students explored and discussed gender and gender identity and how as soon as you are born you can have social stereotypes based on your gender. In Wednesday’s independent lesson, students created posters that could be displayed at school to show an inclusive, friendly and supportive environment for everyone.

On Friday, all Leadership Centre families were sent an email regarding our students staying safe online. Please take time to read through the email and if you have any further questions please let your classroom teacher know. We encourage all families to have continuous discussions and conversations about staying safe online through messenger apps and games and to always speak with a trusted adult if they are unsure about something. This week in Tuesday’s morning Zoom, all classes will discuss the importance of e-Safety.

Have a wonderful week!

The Leadership Centre teachers


  • Morning Zoom check-ins at 8:50am, Please see individual class Google Classrooms for Zoom codes
  • Year 6 Graduation Photos beginning to be collected!
  • Please continue to have conversations with your children/child about being safe online

Student Voice

“I am looking forward to returning on-site to see my friends & complete my work in class” - Ada O

“I am looking forward to seeing everyone in person soon and also doing events like production and fundraisers” - Emma 5/6C

“I enjoyed wellbeing this week and discussing the importance of gender and gender identity” - Roy 5/6C

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Cassidy S – 

Well done Cassidy for showing love of learning and curiosity when learning about division of fractions during our Maths Teacher Focused Zoom. You asked questions to ensure your understanding and checked you had your answers correct. Well done Cassidy!


5/6C: Xavier H- 

Well done Xavier for consistently displaying a love of learning and perseverance when completing your Remote Learning tasks. Your effort when clarifying next steps and responding to feedback is amazing. Keep up the impressive work, Xavier!  


5/6SB: Armaan H -

For writing an engagin persuasive piece on Why the Woolly Mammoth should not be brought back from extinction. Armaan you used excellent persuasive devices and used a good range of emotive language to persuade the reader on your opinion. Very well done Armaan!


5/6W: Lisa N-

For demonstrating a high level of enthusiasm and engagement when participating in all aspects of Remote Learning. It is great to see you consistently act on feedback and identify the next steps in your learning! Keep up the great work, Lisa!