Important Information

Reference Information

Term 4 Arrangements 

The Roadmap, which is based on advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, sets out the staged return to onsite learning in Term 4, with the plan being that all students returning onsite by Friday 5 November as follows:


This will, however, depend on final advice from health authorities closer to each stage.

For our school, this means that the following arrangements will be in place:

Week 1 - Monday October 4th to Friday October 8th - Remote Learning as in Term 3.

Week 2 - Monday 11th October to Friday October 15th - Remote Learning as in Term 3

Week 3 - Week 5:

Year LevelDate of Return to Face to FaceDays of Week
Foundation18th OctoberMon, Tue & Wed
Years 1 & 221st OctoberThu & Fri
Year 3 & 426th OctoberTue & Wed
Year 5 & 628th OctoberThu & Fri

Week 1-5 Schedule


Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6

Remote and flexible learning, although a different format to Term 3, will be delivered to students on the days they are not onsite.



Request of Onsite Attendance

  • All schools in metropolitan Melbourne and restricted areas will continue to provide remote and flexible learning for year levels not scheduled for onsite learning, except for students in the following categories who are eligible for onsite supervision and care:
  1. Children where both parents/carers are considered authorised workers who cannot work from home, work for an authorised provider and where no other supervision arrangements can be made:
  2. Where there are two parents/carers, both must be authorised workers working outside the home for their children to be eligible for onsite provision at school.
  3. For single parents/carers, the authorised worker must be working outside the home  for their children to be eligible for onsite provision at school.
  4. Children experiencing vulnerability, including:
  1. in out-of-home care
  2. deemed vulnerable by a government agency, funded family or family violence service, and assessed as requiring education and care outside the family home
  3. identified by a school or early childhood service as vulnerable, (including via referral from a government agency, or funded family or family violence service, homeless or youth justice service or mental health or other health service)

Where a parent/carer indicates that a student with a disability is vulnerable because they cannot learn from home the school must provide onsite supervision for that student. 


If you require onsite attendance and fit into these categories please fill out the attached onsite attendance form and return to the school email with a copy of your authorized work permits. 

Uniform Ordering

We have updated our uniform ordering procedures and uniforms will now be available for purchase directly through PSW. If you have any questions please contact Reception.