
The Kindergarten children were supposed to travel to the Sealife Aquarium on Tuesday September 7 for an excursion to support our Unit of Inquiry ‘How We Organise Ourselves'. In particular our line of inquiry has related to how living things belong to environments that meet their needs. 

Through our PlayWorld we have travelled to Antarctica and learned about the animals who live and thrive in this cold, dry and windy place and the sort of habitat they have. We have compared and contrasted other animals, their features and their habitats to those of the animals in Antarctica.

Well, we couldn’t go to Sealife but Sealife came to us with a very special virtual Zoom visit. For an hour, Olivia and Simon walked and talked us through the crocodile, shark, jellyfish and penguin exhibits. We learned why some of the sea animals have eyes on top of their heads, we learned that jellyfish are not fish and have no blood or brains but four stomachs. We learned about fish that clean teeth and that crocodiles and penguins have built-in goggles. Sharks and seals have cartilage in their bodies so they bend. Stingrays are slimy so they don’t get itchy from the sand. We discovered a starfish with 11 arms and that if the starfish eats one arm it grows back! We were able to see and discover how animals and their body parts are suited to the environment that they live in. The crocodile basks itself in the sun to keep warm and the penguin eats lots of food to make the blubber to keep warm. 

We had some excellent questions for our Sealife experts that reflected the understanding garnered through our Unit of Inquiry.   


The Kindergarten Team