From the Principal

Courage to Question

Those of you watching out for good news will perhaps have seen that the eminent philosopher Peter Singer was the most recent recipient of the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture. News came with a statement from Peter describing how he would be donating the prize money to charity, with input from the public, and many of us will have admired not only the recognition but the response.


There is a little glory by association to be had because Peter began his education here at Preshil, and so it was with enormous pride that I sent off a letter of congratulations to him at his office at Princeton University. His reply made it clear that his connection to, and enduring appreciation of, his time at Preshil is intact.


“Many thanks! I'm sure that Preshil's encouragement, at an early age, of freedom to question authority, including that of "Mugs" herself, had a lasting influence on me!”

It is not a new idea that at Preshil we encourage our children to ask questions, to challenge ideas and to be courageous in their seeking of answers. Peter Singer is a testament to that.

Wishing you all a very restful and restorative holiday

I want to assure families that over this break, we will continue to monitor the advice of the Chief Health Officer, and to be guided in the measures necessary to ensure that the campus is COVID compliant. 


Any return to on-site learning will bring with it a set of guidelines which we will share with our community to ensure that you are aware of the measures, and comfortable that the school has taken steps to create a safe and welcoming environment.


With any concerns, as always, please don't hesitate to be in touch.








Cressida Batterham-Wilson

 Interim Principal