
Co-Curricular - Senior School Commencement of Summer Sport 

As previously indicated, the Summer Sport trials began this week and at present, conditions under which they can take place are quite dynamic. 


A reminder that the following advice has been developed by AISNSW for NSW Independent Schools wishing to conduct intra-school and/or inter-school sporting activities, based on the Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order 2021 (NSW) (PHO) and the NSW Office of Sport’s community sport advice.


Parents and carers are to note that the PHO requirements for community sport also apply to school sport. In essence, all adults (aged 16 years and over) must be fully vaccinated or have a medical contraindication certificate. Unvaccinated children 15 and under may attend and participate. Furthermore, Netball Central, and other outside facilities, have indicated to the College that they will need to sight proof upon arrival of student’s (16 years and over) and coach’s vaccination status, ie. they are doubly vaccinated. Failure to do so will result in students and/or coaches not gaining admission to the venue. It is my understanding that Dr Lavorato has already written to parents and carers of boys 16 years and over who selected a summer sporting activity and as yet, not all have replied.


In the meantime, Mr Calavassy and relevant MICs have been distributing information pertaining to the expectations, permission forms and requirements of each of the Summer Sports that boys have chosen to participate in through various mediums of communication.


Sadly, several boys have failed to take it upon themselves to take responsibility for knowing when and where trials will take place and what gear needs to be brought or worn.


Without wanting to present the boys excuses for failing to meet with minimum expectations of a boy in a Senior School, perhaps the problem lies with how much information goes out and in how many forms. I’m getting the sense that our boys are waiting on notifications, something I would generally only rely on for the cancellation of training and/or fixtures.


Please note that I will be instructing the Co-curricular administrators to primarily share information with parents/carers and/or boys via the Especean, Team App, Daily Announcements and the Sports Noticeboards. As such, it is vitally important that parents/carers and boys read information disseminated via these channels on a regular basis.


A reminder that boys will be asked to wear only the following items to the College on days they train offsite as opposed to wearing their College Summer Uniform:

  • Supporter’s shirt
  • black crested shorts
  • white socks
  • white sandshoes
  • College cap is the only one to be worn
  • College tracksuit in colder weather.

Boys have been issued with a coloured wrist band prior to trials commencing to distinguish who has been granted permission to wear College sports gear to the College on specific days. 


Boys will have the opportunity to change into a Basketball singlet or Baseball shirt once they board the bus for transportation to the venue. Clearly, boys making their own way home after the session will need to change back into their Supporter’s shirt if they are not being picked up by their parents/carers.


Parents and carers should also note that they are not permitted to attend training/trial sessions until further notice. As such, please make suitable pick-up and drop-off arrangements with your son/s.


Steve Fochesato 

Director of Co-curricular