
A Beacon for Boys' Education: Our SPC Future-Focused Strategic Plan

The most important skill in today’s world, individually and as an organisation, is focus. In a world of information overload and one distraction after another, it takes focus to achieve anything valuable. Just like individuals, schools have all sorts of different priorities being brought to their attention day to day, but to truly be effective, they must have a clear sense of direction and purpose. This means they must know:

  • WHAT they want to achieve (their goals)
  • WHY they want to achieve these things (their vision and mission), and
  • HOW they will achieve it (their strategic plan).

It is this third thing that I am writing about today: strategic planning establishes how a school will reach its goals and uphold its vision and mission. Without a plan to achieve these things, they remain abstract and unattainable, and it is unlikely progress will be made. A strategic plan is like a road map that gets you where you are aiming to be.


Our strategic plan is a key guiding document for our College and will have far-reaching effects. Some of these effects include:


Our Strategic Plan Inspires And Unites The Whole School Community

Our strategic plan is intended to inspire our whole community to take action and make change. It has captured the hearts and minds of members of our community and allows them to be part of something bigger, providing a purpose and process. It’s powerful to commit to something bigger than themselves. This inspiration is a vital ingredient to our thriving school community and will lead to positive change. Even the collaborative process of creating this strategic plan alone has had a powerful effect on our College community.


Our Strategic Plan Will Help Us Keep A Focus On The Big Picture

It’s easy for principals, teachers, and other members of the school community to lose sight of the big picture in the day-to-day demands that come from all sides, from students and parents right through to governments. This future-focused strategic plan helps to lift vision from the present and keep our focus on the things that truly matter most. 


Our Strategic Plan Will Help Our School Keep Pace In A Changing World

We live in a world of rapid change and all sorts of problems, from rising socio-economic inequality to terrorism, environmental challenges to mental illness and lack of wellbeing across all areas of society. These things affect everyone in our schools, from students to school leaders, but strategic planning as a school can help us harness education as a power to change the world. By nurturing a love of learning, goodness, creativity and ingenuity, we give our students the tools they need to make their way through the many challenges we face. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.


An effective, future-focused strategic plan can be instrumental in your school, inspiring and uniting the community, keeping focus on what matters, and preparing teachers and students alike to be change agents in a world of challenges.


Our strategic plan, A Beacon for Boys’ Education is a metaphor that encapsulate our motto 'Luceat Lux Vestra' and the fact that we are a very highly regarded school for boys in the Inner West. Why the metaphor of a beacon? Beacons have long been used in literature and cinema to symbolise strength, safety and individuality; all the things we treasure about our College. Metaphorically, the beacon symbol represents the spiritual strength of our school and the emotional guidance we offer our boys. For those boys who can often ‘come adrift’, we aspire to be steadfast and true and be able to steer them to ‘calmer waters’. We know that 91% of our student population lives within a 10 km radius of our College; we serve the needs of our local community. Parents are attracted to the College because of the firsthand experiences they have with alumni and current students. John Donne once wrote that no man is an island and this is so true of our College. We aspire to continue to be a sure guide to the boys who we serve.


Our logo for this new strategic plan is an appropriation of our College crest. The chevrons and bars at its base are a symbol of strength and fortitude. The light shining from the beacon represents our motto ‘Luceat Lux Vestra’ (Let your light shine) which is found in the fifth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel just after Christ’s preaching the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. Just as the world needs light, so it also needs disciples like the Master. Light hidden under cover is of no use. Those who wear the crest pledge fidelity to this motto.


Between 2022 and 2025, our objectives, implementation planning, success indicators, reporting and accountability frameworks will be built around the seven Key Focus Areas of:

  1. Staff Excellence – A school that attracts, develops, rewards and retains quality staff
  2. Wellbeing –Every student is well cared for, understood and responding to well defined expectations
  3. Learning – Every student will be helped to achieve his own academic excellence
  4. Opportunities – Intentional formation will include activities such as retreats, immersions, social justice activities, sport, outdoor education, oratory and the performing arts
  5. Global and Local Engagement – A strong, respectful and caring community is vital for the wellbeing and formation of our boys
  6. Sustainable Development – The plant and facilities will shape the learning and formation that occurs within them
  7. Governance – We are stewards of the College and are custodians for future generations.

The Strategic Plan expresses what the experience of being part of the College community requires of us. As such, it guides our decisions and practises so that everything we do is aligned to the Plan’s priorities and objectives.

College Staff Appointments 2022

Year 11 Coordinator Mr Alexander Fox
(Acting) Director of Co-curricular Mr Anthony Calavassy
(Acting) Director of Learning and InnovationMrs Janine Timillero

Calling All Siblings! For Year 5 -2023

It has been a joy to welcome the high volume of applications for Year 5/2023 entry.  Many of the enquiries and applications received are from families who have heard good things about St Patrick’s College. A huge thank you to all our lovely parents and students who speak so highly of the school. A referral from a current family is the highest praise the College can receive and we are most grateful for the support from our St Pat’s community.


A reminder that siblings do receive priority placement, however, a completed Application for Enrolment form is required. To submit an Application for Enrolment Form, please head to our College website. Enrolments closed in October so if you have forgotten to submit your son’s application, please do so as soon as possible.


If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact the Enrolment Officer, Mrs Toogood, directly via email or call the College 9763 1000.

Staff News

Please join me in extending our warmest wishes and congratulations to Jeremy and his fiancé Cassie, who will be celebrating their upcoming wedding this weekend. We wish them all the best for a beautiful day and a long and happy life together.  

Keep in your prayers

Ethan Aflak (Year 8) who is battling a serious health condition in the Children’s Hospital at Randwick. Keep him at the forefront of your prayers and pray for a speedy recovery.

In Memoriam

Please also pray for Austin Hall (Year 8), whose grandfather William Chalk passed away at the end of last month. 


Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. 

May he rest in peace. Amen. 


Dr Vittoria Lavorato



SPC boys can do anything! 

**except divide by zero