Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.

Catholic Mission

Catholic Mission contributes funding and provides project support to critical church-run initiatives in Africa, Asia, Oceania and South America as well as remote dioceses within Australia. Catholic Mission creates opportunities for people to be formed in mission, and respond through prayer, fundraising and action, inspiring them to reach out, and give life - within Australia and around the world. All of us engage in mission when we proclaim our faith through our words, actions and lives.


Under its banner "children helping children", monies raised through schools are directed towards self-help programs involving the building of schools, the provision of health and nutrition programs and medications, school fees, and teaching and learning resources. Children in communities, orphanages, homes for the disabled, refuges, and those living on the streets are assisted by the generosity of children who wish to help make the love of Jesus known everywhere.


This October, here at St Fidelis, we celebrate Catholic Mission month.  Socktober 2021 is the program used in schools where we encourage students to learn what life is like for children from Thailand, specifically those from slum areas in Bangkok, the bustling capital. 


Below is a link the children will view and discuss in their classes throughout this term. 

Catholic Mission- Socktober


We will hold a fundraising activity as a whole school when all students are back on site.

Have a great week.

Mark MacGregor

(Religious Education Leader)


Parish News