Middle Years

We are very close to the year end and the Koonung community gets a chance to reset, relax and refocus for 2022.
It would be an understatement to say that this year has had its challenges for all concerned. But, as they say, with challenge has come opportunity, and I think our students have taken every opportunity available to finish the year.
The Middle School students have been involved in a number of initiatives since returning to onsite learning. These initiatives have been driven by our Middle School Captains Cooper Rossely, Darcey Gifford, Evelyn Heath and Jai Reddy. These students have been outstanding in planning and implementing a range of activities in Term 4. They have found a way to provide Koonung students in Middle School a chance to celebrate a difficult year in a positive way.
The Year 7 students participated in the “100 Days of High School” festivities, which was aimed at recognising our students who had an interrupted first year of secondary education. Year 8 students also had a celebration day that focussed on outdoor and indoor games while our Year 9 students participated in a colour run that was generated by Live Life captains and teachers, in particular Alistair Tuffnell and Shaun Sanderson. The aforementioned activities are really only a snapshot of how our Middle School Leaders have responded to the need to bring our student body back together after an extended period in lockdown.
Year 9 students and teachers were also fortunate to be able to have a day at Funfields Adventure Park to both celebrate the end of the year and keep working on those vital connections that were inevitably impacted through remote learning.
Finally, I would like to extend my congratulations to all the Middle School award winners who achieved excellent results in a difficult time and it was so pleasing to conclude the year in such a positive way.
I would like to also take this opportunity to thank the following Middle School team members:
Year 7: David Kennedy and Chelsea Thomas
Year 8: Sarah Hobson and Kate O’Keefe
Year 9: Alistair Tuffnell
I would also like to thank our administrator Regan Garner who has made a big impact on our team in a short period of time.
It’s been an honour and a privilege to work with all concerned across the Koonung community for 2022. I would like to wish everyone a safe and a happy break and look forward to being ready for a positive year next year.
Stuart Kofoed
Director of Learning - Middle School
Year 9 Live Life and Celebration Day Student Reflections
Please enjoy the student reflections following their day of celebrations.
“I had a lot of fun, especially getting time at the end to just have fun and throw the powder around.”
“Even though it's been a difficult year to fully experience Life Live, the colour run was an amazing and very enjoyable way to finish off the year and celebrate our last few weeks in Middle Years.”
“I think the celebration day and also live life in general were a really great experience because we have done lots of things that we wouldn't normally get to do at school, and through them I have learned life skills that often don't get taught at school, as well as had a lot of fun.”
“The Year 9 celebration day was a huge success. All of Year 9 had a blast and we all really appreciate the time and effort the teachers have put into organising the event. This whole year has been an amazing experience as we got to learn about each other, improve our organisation skills and have incredible guest speakers come in and share their stories. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to have had 'Live Life' this year and we hope the year 9's of 2022 enjoy it as much as we did.”
“The colour run was a really great way to finish off the year and it was a great success, thanks to everyone who made it possible.”
Shaun Sanderson
Humanities Domain Manager, Live Life and Lunchtime Activities Co-ordinator
Christmas Melodies - it’s the most wonderful time of the year!
On 13 December, Year 9 student Liam Browne performed with the National Boys Choir of Australia at Hamer Hall for the Christmas Melodies event. Both Liam and Seán (7C) will be performing on Carols By Candlelight on Christmas Eve.