Parents and Friends Association

Year 7 Welcome Morning Tea
Each year the PFA helps welcome new parents with a morning tea. Would you help by providing food or serving drinks on Monday 31st January? Send us a message now if you can help:
World Teachers’ Day
The PFA is grateful to all Koonung teachers and support staff for their commitment to preparing the next generation. This year we celebrated their effort and commitment by providing specially made biscuits and apples for the staff.
Second Hand Book Sale
Thank you Fiona, Dominique and over 60 volunteers who created a successful book sale. The book sale provides an opportunity for parents to relate and contribute to the school environment. Around $22 000 of text books were sold, of which 25% helps fund extra resources for the school. Thanks also to Martina who organised a coffee van and thank you Natalie, whose baking skills also helped raise funds for the PFA.
Second Hand Uniform Shop
The PFA are blessed to have Zan and Annie run the Uniform Shop this year, which has been very busy in this last term of school. Annie and Zan have been joined by a number of other volunteers who have helped share the work load - thanks!
PFA 2022
The first meeting of the PFA meeting and AGM will be Monday 14 February 2022. Join us at 7pm for a coffee before the meeting. Every Parent is welcome! Each year we look for parents to volunteer to be part of the leadership team (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) and to lead events and fundraisers (including Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, Bunnings BBQs). How might you contribute in 2022?
2021 PFA team
President: Andrew Gifford (parent of students in year 9 and 12)
Vice President: Martina Johnson (parent of students in Year 7 and 9)
Secretary: Ann-Maree Smith (parent of student in Year 8)
Treasurer: Johan Cameron (parent of student in Year 9)
How to be part of Koonung PFA
Sign up!
The PFA sends news via email. Sign up to receive out news:
Have you signed up but not received emails? Please check your junk mail and re-train your inbox to accept our emails. If this is not the problem, contact us:
Andrew Gifford
PFA President