
It’s been a very busy return to onsite learning and yet again, the resilience of the students has been astounding. Exams, assessment tasks, navigating uncertainty and reestablishing daily routines and healthy habits, have all been a major focus for the students in recent weeks.
This term Mindfulness Mondays lunchtime activity club was established. These sessions have included activities such as sensory jar making, stress ball making, mindfulness colouring, water colour painting, puzzles and board games. It has been a welcome reprieve in a busy school day for many students (and staff!)
I also spent time attending Year 7 Positive Classrooms introducing the students to the PERMAH Model of Wellbeing. This session explored six core elements that we can bring attention to in our lives to actively improve our health and happiness – Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment and Health.
I am also very excited to launch the Wellbeing Action Committee (WAC) at Koonung in 2022 and have been calling upon student nominations. The aim of this committee is to identify areas for improvement and to plan actions to further support and enhance the wellbeing of students at Koonung. An exciting endeavor!
Farewell and Welcome!
The Wellbeing Team is sad to be farewelling our wonderful and valued colleague, Ella Cogger, as she commences her maternity leave but we wish her all the very best in expanding her tribe. Ella's vivacious personality will be very much missed.
We are excited, however, to welcome Yvette Larubina to replace Ella while she is on leave. Yvette will be a highly valued addition to the team and she is looking forward to meeting our Koonung students in 2022.
The Wellbeing Team wishes you all a safe, happy and healthy break!
Ewa Oaten
Mental Health Practitioner