Senior School News

Year 10 to 12

Well done to our Senior School Students on your efforts in Term 3

Year 10, 11 & 12 Students

What a tough year 2021 is turning out to be for you all. I’ll bet you never imagined when you started secondary school that your senior years of schooling would involve so much time at home! 


As difficult as it may sometimes be, keep looking for the bright spots in each day – appreciate the little things; the warm sun, a relaxing walk, a tasty meal, a great series on Netflix, having some laughs on FaceTime with a friend. 


Think about your daily routine – is it helping you to stay on track, or is it making it harder to be productive? Maybe you need to change things up a bit? Most likely your morning routine could do with some work! Are you staying in your pyjamas for too much of the day? Instead put on a favourite outfit and it may boost your mood. How often do you come out of your bedroom? Go outside? Just like you leave the classroom between every period, get out of your room and away from the screen between lessons. The holidays will give you even more opportunities to get out of your bedroom and off the computer. Get creative…even do some jobs around the house. Your parents will be most pleased! Most importantly, hang in there and talk to someone you trust if you are struggling. 

Students Studying a Unit 3 & 4 Subject

Due to continuing restrictions related to COVID-19, it is not possible to run on-site revision classes in the September school holidays, however a number of subject areas have elected to run remote practice exams and/or revision sessions on Microsoft Teams. These are designed to give students a head start on their exam preparation.


Attached is the schedule for the remote revision sessions running over the two week break. We hope students will make every effort to attend these sessions. 


Revision sessions will be recorded where practicable and all resources used in revision sessions will be made available on Compass Resources by teachers. 

Term 4 – our current “road map”

There is still much uncertainty surrounding the return to school in term 4 and how this is going to work. The Principal will communicate more detailed information to you regarding this when we receive it from the Department. 


Our “road map” at this stage suggests that students studying a Unit 3 and 4 subject will return to school for the first time in Term 4 on Tuesday October 5 to undertake the GAT. 

The GAT is an essential part of the VCE assessment process. Although GAT results do not count directly towards VCE results, they play an important role in checking that School-based Assessments and external assessments have been accurately assessed.


GAT results are also used in the calculation of the Derived Examination Score (DES), should this be required. Students who are ill or affected by other personal circumstances at the time of a VCE external assessment and whose result is unlikely to be a fair or accurate indication of their learning or achievement in the study, may apply for a DES. If their application is approved, a DES will be calculated by the VCAA.


Please find attached the 2021 GAT Brochure if you haven’t seen this information in previous communications or wish to re-read it. 


If things go to plan, then students studying a Unit 4 subject would be on-site for their Unit 4  classes from Wednesday October 6 until Friday October 22 (approximately 3 weeks of on-site classes), with the Final Assembly and Celebration for Year 12 students being held on Friday October 22.


The written examinations will then commence on Wednesday October 27 with the English and EAL exams. Please find attached a copy of the 2021 VCE Exams Navigator, which contains student information and exam timetable. 


These plans of course are subject to change, depending on the latest health advice and directives from the Department. 

To All Senior School Students:

Have a Safe and Relaxing Break Over the Holidays

Whilst it is important to undertake some form of revision and exam preparation over the holidays, it is also important to take some time out to do things that help you relax and make you feel good. Get up and active and away from the screen as often as you can. Connect with the people in your household and have a laugh. Call a friend. Go for a walk. Dance. Sing. Cook. Look after yourself and those around you. 


We hope to see your smiling faces back at school sometime in Term 4!

Kate Leaumont

Head of Senior School


1 to 1 Digital Learning Program 2022

In 2022 we will continue with our whole school 1 to 1 Digital Learning Program for all students.


The purchase of these devices is crucial to the learning program as students will access eBooks rather than an extensive number of expensive textbooks.


Details of the 1 to 1 Digital Learning Program for all students and important information regarding suitable devices are detailed in the attached policy.


**Please note that the JB Hi Fi Solutions portal is no longer open for the sale of devices. This service is not available for 2022 purchases.

Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  Cards

Please remind all students that they must carry their Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  Cards with them at all times.


ALL students must sign in/out with their card at the General Office when they are arriving late or leaving early for any reason. A reminder that Year 12 students are required to sign in/out at The John Landy Centre Compass Kiosk.


The cards are also used for any student photocopying that is done at school. The EDSC Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  is also the student PTV (Public Transport Victoria) cards. They are required to carry this card as student identification while travelling on public transport.


If a student loses their card, parents/guardians are able to re-order a replacement card via the Compass parent portal.