
National Boarding Week

Welcome to the National Boarding Week. A week to not only celebrate and acknowledge our boarders, their families and the wonderful staff who support them but, it is also a time to share a little about boarding and the wonderful experience this brings to the lives of so many.


We’re a family of 64 Year 8 to Year 12 students. We have 14 amazing staff, a wonderful Columbian chef named Alfonso, a dog named Nellie, a cat named Rosie, and we previously housed the Macdonald House mascot, Sushi the goldfish. We come from farming families, city families, interstate families, from as far away as Keith, Naracoorte, Melbourne, Warrnambool, Balmoral, Horsham, Caramut, Mt Gambier, and even Jindabyne. We are a Boarding House who are as close as brothers and sisters, who stand proud to call the boardo home, and look after each other in the best and worst of times.


With over 22,000 students in 193 boarding schools in Australia, we are also one of only 2 Victorian Boarding Schools to be named as a finalist in the Australian Education Award’s Boarding School of the Year award for 2021. This makes me very proud as a Director of Boarding. I am proud of the outstanding boarders who call College home. I am indebted to the support from our College parents, from all staff, from Dr Hirst, the Executive, and the College Board. All of whom have a devotion to see boarders and their families are well cared for and supported. To the boarders themselves, thank you, you are the heart and soul of the Boarding House. We are certainly privileged to be there for you as you grow into your own personality and show your true colours. For our Year 12 boarders, it is an honour to care for you in your final year, but above all, know that we are in some ways preparing you for life after boarding.


So, in this week of National Boarding Week, I encourage the community to get to know a boarding family, find more about boarding through our website, our Registrar or myself, or even come and visit the boardo. We would love to see you up there one day, and become one of the family.


Macdonald House Captain – Annabel Hetherington

I have been a boarder for the past five years, and my family has been a boarding family for 11 years. This year I have the pleasure of being the Macdonald House Captain. 


I remember my first day as a boarder with fondness. I remember my room filled with girls all introducing themselves and being so excited that Georgia’s “little sister” was here too.  This positive moment was the start of a fantastic adventure. 


When I reflect on my time as a boarder, there are so many great things. The first thing that comes to mind are definitely the friendships that are made. As boarders, we see the good and the bad of each other and ourselves, we see the celebrations, the fears and sometimes the tears. We see how we all have each other’s back, help each other up and dust ourselves off. The friendships formed through the Boarding House are so connected and so strong, they are for life. Boarding is full of micro moments that make up a constellation of memories that I will carry with me forever. I remember in Year 8, we would go out onto the courts and watch Netflix rugged up in everyone’s doonas until Gail came out with toast to hunt the boys back in before bed. 


I love that I can be a boarder and go home on the weekends and stay connected to my community. I feel I have the best of both worlds. 

As boarders we can really get involved in any and all activities that are on offer through the school, our options are endless. From access to teachers after hours, horses, cricket, footy, basketball and tennis I couldn’t have done half of this without boarding. 


When I think forward to next year I also think boarding has made this next step far less scary. Leaving home doesn’t seem as daunting. I have learnt the lesson that washing doesn’t dry instantly, and jumpers shrink in the dryer. I know how to manage my time to the second so I don’t miss the bag trailer. These lessons have been learnt in the safety of the Boarding House, with the MODs there to pick up the pieces when we really need it. I know that in the next few years I will enjoy the next chapter with greater confidence. 


This year in Mac House we are focusing on building the connections that are already there, we focus on the principles of kindness and respect. With every girl in Mac House involved in at least one extra-curricular sport and an abundance of drama, art and music talent, the House is full of inspiring young women who are continually striving to be their best.


Andrew Monk

Director of Boarding