Middle Years 

Important Conversations

This week I have had many important conversations, and one of these conversations was with our Year 8 students. This conversation is also relevant to our Year 7 and Year 9 students. Our aim is to develop high functioning student teams, and group dynamics is an important element of every year level. How students interact and cooperate is pivotal to their success. Congratulations to students who are endeavoring to be kind and communicate well, you deserve praise.


I said to Year 8 students that:

  • There is to be no teasing, as teasing can be hurtful. Low teasing communities work best.
  • Don’t gossip, as this is the quickest ways to lose a friend.
  • There are to be no putdowns. Negative comments to others are unnecessary and hurtful.
  • You can not randomly call someone gay, this is not appropriate in any way. 
  • Don’t make callous jokes at the expense of others, as this is not a joke and can be construed as a form of bullying.
  • Don’t make comments about body image or self-harm. This is highly inappropriate.
  • You cannot say whatever you want on social media. This is a myth and will stay with you and your reputation for ever.
  • You are accountable for what you say, verbally and online.
  • You need to be tactful.  Being tactful is having the ability to clearly communicate your message while being sensitive to those around you and not unintentionally offending anyone. Being tactful is a skill that needs to be practised. 
  • Stand up when you know something isn’t right, call out the behaviour if it’s not right. You have a moral compass.  
  • Talk to a trusted adult, parents, mentors if something is worrying you. Remember it is ok to have a challenging conversation. 
  • Be kind. The golden rule “If you cannot say something nice, don’t say it at all” applies to all of us. 
  • Build trust and respect. 
  • Support each other, wholeheartedly. 
  • Forgive. Learn to forgive, you are all learning how to get on with each other, and we all make mistakes. Forgiveness is important and essential. Forgive friends if they make a mistake.
  • Let things go, big and small.

My wish this year is for our Year 7 to Year 9 students to be high functioning groups, who are supporting, welcoming, kind, warm hearted, back each other, go that extra mile and strive to be good kids. We can be better, and we must do better in Middle Years. I have lifted the bar and I am looking forward to working with all students over the coming months. I encourage all parents to have a discussion about these expectations. I have lots of productive and insightful conversations each week. Please ring me if you have any concerns, as I value these conversations.


Mrs Julia Winter Cooke

Head of Middle Years