Sustainability News

This week is Laudato si Week. Six years ago, Pope Francis wrote an open letter titled Laudato si (Praise be to You) to every person on Earth, calling us to “hear the cry of the earth, the cry of the poor” and to "take care of our common home” (Pope Francis, 2015).


Passionate Year 10 Justice Leaders have put thoughts into intentions, intentions into planning, and planning into actions, and organised a range of activities this week for the whole school community to celebrate Laudato si Week, to become more aware of the global climate (and social justice) emergency and to take action. 


These activities included:

  • Daily Prayers and reflections on SIMON
  • a plastic bottle and waste audit on Monday
  • lively discussions and ideas exchange at the “Justice Table” at recess on Wednesday
  • Thursday we will turn our heaters and “Lights off for Life on Earth”, not only to acknowledge that globally 20 percent of Climate Change causing CO2 emissions come from energy use in buildings, but to also stand in solidarity with people who do not have heating and electricity "at the snap of their fingers” like most of us in Australia do
  • Friday committed students from all Learning Mentor groups will take a stand during Period 4 to demand action from all governments on the climate emergency
  • Next Thursday Zoe Hickey will represent the College on the National Justice Seminar in Melbourne.

The Year 10 Leaders Arielle, Annie, Tilly, Mackenzie, Gabriele, Ella, Zoe, Renee, Paul, Heidi and Isabella are to be commended for their determination and planning. A detailed reflection will follow in the next edition of this newsletter.


On a smaller scale – in addition to recycling, landfill and soft plastics bins, we are now also a “Return and Earn” Plastic Bottle only bin, in the hope that collectively we can raise some funds to further improve our sustainability at St. Joseph’s College.


Thank you for the ongoing dialogue and support.


Ruth Phillips

Sustainability Leader