News from SLC

Cross Country and Pentecost Sunday 

On Friday the 14th of May, some of our students participated in District Cross Country at Macleay Park.  All of these students not only participated but finished the race which was 2km for the younger students and 3km for our older children.  Even though we were small in number we cheered on loudly as our runners jetted past us. 


They all did an outstanding job in their respective races, showing tremendous courage and persistence. Congratulations to Emily who finished 10th in her race and will move onto the next stage of Cross Country.

If you see these students around school make sure to give them a pat on the back for the effort they put in at District Cross Country!


Last week in SLC we have been studying Pentecost Sunday and learning why it is an important date in our faith calendar. With this information, we created paper planes with the flames of the Holy Spirit on them to try to re-enact how the Holy Spirit rushed onto the disciples with a gust of wind and gave the disciples the ability to be heard in many languages and spread the word of the Lord.  

Mr Jack Cirillo

SLC Classroom Teacher