News from the Prep Room

Procedural Writing and Religion

In the Prep room, we are currently learning how to write and follow procedures. We have been doing lots of cooking in the classroom as it gives the children a practical and engaging activity to practice procedures.


We have learnt about the structure of a procedure and we can now use bullet points and number each step in order.


Recently we made fried rice. The children enjoyed participating in all of the steps of cooking the meal and particularly enjoyed the last step, which was eating their delicious cooking!

This past week we also made jelly in a cup with fresh strawberries and blueberries in it as well as biscuit faces.  

After planning out a design for our biscuits the children also enjoyed bringing their design to life by decorating their own biscuit faces. We iced the biscuits and made a face out of lollies and 100s and 1000s. 


In Religion, we have been reading about The Ascension, which is when Jesus went back to heaven. We demonstrated this through a craft activity. By taping an image of Jesus to a skewer and pushing it through a blue cup. We stuck cotton balls on to the cup to make it look like the clouds in the sky. We then slowly  pulled the skewer up to make it look like Jesus returning to heaven.



We have continued learning our letters through craft association, focusing on E for Elephant and O for Owl. The owl also helped us to learn some shapes as we cut out triangles, ovals and circles.

Yesterday was the Feast of Pentecost. It is celebrated 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus promised he would not leave us alone, so he sent the Holy Spirit. The disciples had flames appear above their heads and could suddenly understand everybody speaking in different languages. We sometimes represent the Holy Spirit as a dove, so this past week we made doves in class.


We used a template for the dove and sat it onto a piece of white paper.  We then dipped our sponge into blue and white paint and dabbed the whole paper with it.  Slowly we peeled off the dove and it left a stencil of a white dove.

Mrs Margaret Maher

Prep Classroom Teacher