
Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

Remote learning and lockdown

This morning's announcement will have hit many in our community hard, lockdown and remote learning brings back all sorts of memories, feelings and concerns. 


We had already been planning for what might happen if we went back into remote learning. Our staff have put together plans for a short lockdown and this will be communicated to the entire community this afternoon. 


Each team will be sending home different resources, codes and details. If your child is away today you can contact the school tomorrow to arrange pick up of details and any resources. A Sentral message was sent to all in the community this afternoon about the learning for next week. 


As the newsletter goes to publication we are still waiting to have confirmation from the Department of Education and Training that tomorrow will be a Pupil Free Day - with no students on site. This information has been suggested from a number of sources and will be confirmed via a Sentral message as soon as we know. 


Onsite access will be allowed for the children of authorised workers and vulnerable children, this is likely to be from Monday May 31st. We will be sending home details about this tomorrow. You must complete forms and provide proof of your authorised role for your child to have access to onsite attendance during remote learning. Just as was required in the previous remote learning situations. 


Stay well, look after yourself and take care of the wellbeing of you and your family. 


Open Days

Thank you to our wonderful Year 6 leaders who supported our Open Days this week. Listening to them as they took the tours you could hear how proud they were of their school and they took great delight in telling our visitors why they should send their children to Boroondara Park Primary School. 


Thank you to the parents who were able to assist with tours, we appreciate you giving your time to the school. 


Thank you to all of our students and staff who were able to show what learning looks like at BPPS, and the experience of being a part of our community.  


Thank you Christina

Last Friday was the final day Christina Penna our Business Manager was in her position at Boroondara Park PS. She has started a new job at Marlborough PS. We would like to thank Christina for all she has done as our Business Manager for the last 3 years and wish her well in her new role. 

Our new Business Manager Rahima Lang will commence on Wednesday June 2nd. 

Uniform Shop Survey 

Up until 2020 we have had an onsite Uniform Shop. COVID meant we were not able to have the uniform shop on site. 

We are wanting to find out if our community would like to have the Uniform Shop back on site. 

This link will enable you to complete the survey and share your thoughts. Uniform Shop Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete it. 

Junior School Concert

Oh the conversation I had as we waited for the Concert to start last Tuesday evening. 

There were lots of butterflies and questions about what it would be like with people watching us. There were students jumping with excitement and there were others sitting quietly. 

It was a wonderful experience and we are thankful for all in the community who were able to attend the Besen Centre and see the wonderful Circus Concert. 


Thank you to Llaaneath Poor for her amazing work to prepare our students for their concert, what a star! Llaaneath's program provides lots of exciting performing arts opportunities for our students, I know she was very excited to have our Junior school back on stage again performing to the community.


Thank you to all Ayvah and Charlie for their incredible job comparing the evening. 


Thanks also to Hayden, Ben and the Circus Crew for the fantastic workshops. 

Thanks to Irene Iape for organising costumes for all students. 


Thanks to Eric Register for driving our truck. 


Thanks to Christina, Litsa and Margaret in the office who provided lots of admin support and answered lots of concern questions. 


Thanks to Foundation, Year 1/2 and Year 3 teachers for their understanding and patience when organising rehearsals. 


Thanks to the Specialist and Leadership teams for their support this term. 



Susanne Lowe
