Music News 

What's on?

Education Week Open Day Concert

Corelli Strings & IPS Choir performance is on Wednesday 26th May, 11 – 11.30am.


During Education Week, IPS traditionally holds an open day concert. We are very pleased and excited that we will be able to stage our first concert in the hall since the pandemic began. 


Our Corelli Strings and Choir ensembles have been rehearsing diligently before school since the start of the year and are ready to perform.


Parents and school tour visitors are very welcome to attend. There may not be an announcement about the concert on the day and we ask that if you wish to attend just make your way to the hall at 10.50am where seating will be available.


Looking forward to seeing our extended school community at our first hall- based event in a long time.


Battle of the Bands – Years 5 & 6 Rock Bands

Change of date!


Due to an orientation day for many of our year six students, I have had to change the date for Battle of the Bands. It will now take place on Wednesday, 16th of June. This is week 9, the second last week of term.


Preparations are going exceptionally well for the Battle of the Bands concert. Apart from the 50-minute sessions during the week we have dancers and satellite bands coming to rehearse during recess times. There is even an original composition taking shape and I hope this band will be able to launch their single at the concert.


Help Required! - contact Mrs Morrow.


On the morning of Wednesday, June 16th, I will need parent support to set up the stage and all the heavy equipment. I am also looking for someone who loves to create music videos. If this is you – please come and see me. I have a past example that will give you some ideas on what I require.


The show is shaping up to be one of the best Battle of the Bands Ivanhoe Primary School has staged. The talent in the school is exciting. Everything from pianos, guitars, strings, singers, dancers, flutes, clarinets and even ukulele. It’s amazing!

I look forward to seeing parents at the event.


Mrs Morrow


Yours in Music,


Marie Morrow

Jo Anderson