Principal's Report

Principals Report


Remote learning

“Just a short note to say well done again on you and all the staff members quick response to remote learning again. We are really impressed with how organised everyone is. With all the books, worksheets and passwords coming home and also the explanations of expectations towards remote learning at school.


We wouldn’t want to be learning anywhere else and appreciate all the commitment and extra hours that everyone puts in!! “


Well done Beauy North!! 


The school received this email at 9.58am on Monday 30 May which was such a positive boost and a vote of confidence for everyone in our school community.  The staff, students and parents are doing an amazing job with our remote and flexible learning.  Thankyou everyone!


On Day One of remote learning we had all but 18 students of our entire student population online. This was a truly fantastic effort by everyone and we would like to thank the parents who supported their child/children to login to Teams. 


This meant that from the very first day of this circuit breaker lockdown we had every class from Prep to Year 6 logged into MS Teams allowing their learning to continue with minimal interruption.


Last Tuesday I had the pleasure of visiting each of the 4 Prep classes online and was absolutely blown away with their skills.  All of the children could operate their camera, use the mute button and raise their hand on Teams. 


It is so true we do often underestimate the adaptability and resilience of our young students.  Recent school days have demonstrated this in a unique manner.


Our transition to a second week of Remote Learning has been seamless as has the preparation and distribution of additional hard copy resources.  We received notification of this extension 24 hours prior to the extension commencement which involved a huge workload for our staff who had to prepare hard copy resources for all families in Prep to Year 3. 


This was only possible because of the wonderful teamwork of everyone at Beaumaris North Primary school.


I would like to sincerely thank our Admin Team of Sue Miles, Nicole Rainsbury and Annie Staley for the organisation of our production line as well as all Year levels for preparing the required sheets for week 8. 

I would also like to thank our photocopying and packing chain of Arla Anderson, Nicole Palo La Gerche, Lee Skaftouros, Vincent Wienckowski, Annie Thomas, Jo Ratten and Koji Shinyama who spent Thursday morning photocopying and packing individually named envelopes for students in Prep-Year 3.

These thanks are also extended to our distribution team of Nicole Rainsbury, Lee Skaftouros, Dani Wilson, Kirsty Hall and Di Ullman.


An extra thank you to Lee who stood at our school entrance for 3 hours directing parents to the correct entry and exit points for each year level.

If by any chance this lockdown continues we will again prepare hard copies for Year levels requiring work.  


I would like to take this opportunity to thank my incredible team. Every staff member  continues to give their upmost in ensuring that the students at BNPS remain engaged with their learning during this difficult time.

Thank you to our staff who have worked in Onsite Care and Supervision during this time, your caring is greatly appreciated. The students onsite have displayed resilience and there has been a lot of smiles from both the students and the staff.



We are all living in a state of the unknown and just have to do what we can to ensure continuity of learning for our students.



Reconciliation Week

Last week was Reconciliation Week and a time for us all to reflect on the powerful meaning of reconciliation and all that it implies. 


 Vic Simms, Bidjigal Elder reinforced that it takes us all to make the change by stating:

“Unless [the] meeting of cultures starts in children’s minds, we can never have true reconciliation”  


Please take a few minutes to view this Reconciliation week video which has an extremely powerful message for us all.           


One Positive From the current Circuit breaker lockdown

One Positive from our current Lockdown is that we have been able to have the arborists on-site to remove trees that have been identified as “High Priority”.   This would have been a far more difficult and complicated process if our students were on-site.


Keep Safe everyone.