The Arts

Music Night 

The annual showcase of all of the College Ensembles and selected student performers will take place on Wednesday,  23 June at 7pm in the Xanten Theatre. 


Come along to enjoy performances by the College Chorale, Guitar Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, String Ensemble, Concert Band, Liturgical Music Group and Certificate II and III Bands showcasing over 100 students across Years 7-12.


Tickets to be in the audience go on sale this Monday, 31 May at 9am - through - at a cost of $5 per person. Be sure to get in quick to get your tickets before they sell out. 


If you have any queries, please come to the Xanten Performing Arts Centre and speak to Mr Beins or Mrs Freind.


Mr C Beins

(Director of Music)


Sharie Fernandez - Year 10
Sharie Fernandez - Year 10


Sharie is involved in the Music Program through her participation in the College Musical, Liturgical Music and Chorale. Despite her busy schedule, she prepared for the Grade 3 Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) Exam. Her commitment and enthusiasm has not gone unnoticed and she was awarded with a B+ Merit. Congratulations, Sharie!


Miss K Tran

Music Teacher