Education in Faith

Prayer of the Week and News from Holy Spirit Parish/Fr Arsenio


The Sacrament of Eucharist will be celebrated at each Parish Mass over next term. 

The Eucharist Candidates will be students from Year 4 and 5 at Holy Spirit and there will also be some candidates from the High Spirits Program that is run in the parish for children from other schools.

A form with lots of information has been sent to each of the families involved. 

The Try Booking System has not yet been opened and will be once the Parish Staff can attend their workplace. There are 21 masses available for you to book on. I will let you know when it has been opened. If all goes well it will be next Wednesday. You will need to book through this system to attend a Eucharist Mass. 


A Prayer for Holy Communion

Blessing the Bread, the Cup

Let us bless the bread

that gives itself to us

with its terrible weight,

its infinite grace.

Let us bless the cup

poured out for us

with a love

that makes us anew.

Let us gather

around these gifts

simply given

and deeply blessed.

And then let us go

bearing the bread,

carrying the cup,

laying the table

within a hungering world.

~Jan Richardson



At the time of writing this, Melbourne is still in lockdown.  The Parish House is also in lockdown and staff are working from home.  In anticipation of easing of restrictions on Friday, we may or may not have weekend masses.  Please stay tuned to the media.  We pray and hope that we can return to some sort of “normality” soon.  Therefore there is not much news from the Parish however, you can access “The Word” on our website which is still being produced on a weekly basis.  Thank you and above all, please all stay safe.