Assistant Principals' Reports


I would like to congratulate our year 7 and 9 students who have been undertaking their NAPLAN tasks this week.  NAPLAN is now conducted on an online platform at Emerald Secondary College and is broken up into four short tasks for the students to complete; Reading, Writing, Conventions of Language and Numeracy.  Our students have shown respect for the learning environment as they have entered, completed the NAPLAN tasks and exited the rooms.  We are proud of their efforts as the students complete this task while a snap shot in their learning growth is captured. 

Results of the NAPLAN tests will be informative for families and teaching staff as an indicator of learning growth.  They are also help to inform the Teaching and Learning program at the College through highlighting areas of need in the curriculum for our students, and also areas where students may require stretching and further challenge in their learning. 

NAPLAN results can also be used as an indicator of students who may require further assistance in their learning, if their learning achievement is well below the Minimum national standards for their age.  This support can be provided through inclusion in the Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy program.  This program currently offers support for students identified in year eight and ten, however in 2022, the program will be expanded to offer support to identified students in year eight, nine and ten.


Tutor Learning Initiative.

The Tutor Learning Initiative is continuing to offer support in class and also outside the classroom in small groups to students who have been identified for extra support.  The students who are involved in the program are those who have been identified as needing support or ‘catch up’ in their learning as a direct result of the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.  The Tutor Learning Initiative will run until September this year.  Below are some images of different small group tutor sessions that have been running at the College this week:



Student Excellence Program

Along with a High Achievers Program (year 7 & 8) and our SEAL program which runs from year 7-9, Emerald Secondary College also provides access for students to the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series of online events.  These events could cover a wide variety of topics.  We have recently had our first group of students enrol in a sports science event through the VCES. We were pleased to be able offer this enrichment opportunity for our students and look forward to many further opportunities in the future.


Equipment for Learning – Please check in with your children

We are currently heading towards the halfway mark in term two.  It is that time of the term where equipment for learning may have mysteriously gone missing, run out or even potentially broken.  Please check in with your children to see if they still have a good supply of stationery and exercise books for their classes.  This will ensure that every student is ready to engage in any activity that may be presented to them in their daily lessons.

It is also timely to check in on student laptops.  At Emerald Secondary College, we are a ‘Bring your own Device’ College.  We rely heavily on Compass as our learning Management system; for our continuous reporting, the storing of lesson resources, learning tasks and also daily lesson plans.  We would also ask that you check in that your child’s device is still in working order and that they are in the habit of charging their device each evening, ready for the next day.  This will also ensure that they will be able to access all learning materials and engage fully in all learning activities during class time, can access lesson plans if they are absent from class and also access resources in preparation for assessment tasks and upcoming year 10 and 11 exams preparation materials.


Janine McMahon - Assistant Principal



Recognition of Excellence in Staff at ESC:

Recognition of staff and the work they complete is always difficult. As a small way to thank our staff we have cards and messages that, in a small way, acknowledge their efforts within our College.  I would welcome any parent who wishes to publically thank one of the staff to send me a message to be read out at our regular briefing. In this way we can continue to build our entire College community as one that encourages and recognizes the many outstanding achievements we strive for.  These can be sent directly to me at



You will have seen that the College photos are now on Compass. Every year this seems to take some time but the results are well worth the wait. Our students look great. We have checked with MSP and the printed photos will arrive next week. We will send a text message home to alert parents when we send them home.


Buildings Grounds and OHS:


  • On our return from school holidays the last of the old boiler heaters decided to stop working. We have engaged with a company to install split system units in the affected rooms. This is being completed as we speak. That will mean every room in the school has a split system which is much better for all of our students and staff.
  • Litter is once again causing issues around the school. Can you please talk to your children regarding the use of the bins and how to reduce the litter around the college grounds?
  • Classroom upgrades
    • We are currently working to re-instate B3. This room had been used sparingly over the last few years due to its layout. Fresh plaster has been installed, new carpet is currently being installed and new furniture is being ordered. It will be a lovely space to learn.
    • Quotes are coming in to repair G8. Hopefully the work will be completed over the June school holidays.
    • Construction on the new bus shed will begin soon. This will allow us to re-instate the top basketball court as well as reducing bus movement where students are.
    • Construction on the new bike shed is almost completed. New bike stands have been ordered and will be installed next week when they arrive.
    • The building program is beginning to ramp up with regular inspections occurring. Hopefully there is more to share soon.

Jonathon Rogers - Assistant Principal