Premiers' Reading Challenge 

Victorian Premiers’ Reading ChallengeVictorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge


The Premiers Readers Challenge has now been open to students for 3 weeks. Here is an update on how we are travelling.


There are 1172 Students regigstered here at Brookside and we have already verified 1392 books. What an amazing effort in only 3 weeks. With 139 days left to go, imagine all those books yet to be read and verified.


A special congratulations to 2B, the class who have read the most books so far, closely followed by Prep A.


Students can enter their own books by using the link. log in here 

P-2  students - use the password given to them by their class teacher

3-6 students - use their existing edupass details (Microsoft log in)


To read the Premier’s letter to parents, view the booklists and for more information about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge, visit:


The link can also be found on compass under the star menu.


All students that complete the challenge will receive a special certificate signed by the Premier.


For now, watch this space for an update on our speedy readers.


Happy Reading

Miss Breadmore