Erin Wright - Principal


Well, what a week we had last week! Certainly not something that we wanted to happen, being in remote learning and lock down again, but something that we knew was a possibility. I am so proud of the way that everyone in the community transitioned to remote learning and kept a positive outlook on the aspects that we could control.



It was confirmed that we could return to on site learning from Friday June 4.  There are still some aspects of the 'unknown' as we continue to navigate this pandemic, which is a challenging aspect for us all in different ways. The best thing that we can do is continue to support each other and be open and honest about how we are feeling. 



This remote learning period did come at a crucial time as students were completing assessments. We were fortunate that it was a ‘SAC free week’ for our VCE students, so only a few of these types of assessments needed to be rescheduled or done in an online manner. Staff commented that students have been putting in their best efforts to get work completed from home. We will of course now be able to support students to engage in completing their coursework, to succeed in their current learning tasks and ultimately feel accomplished.



Our tutoring program has played an important part in supporting identified students, offering these students the opportunity to seek support. Our Year 12 staff have been in regular contact with students. Mr Waters, Ms Loving and I had an online meeting last week with our College Captains, who reported our Year 12 students were in a positive frame of mind and completing their required work. A big thank you to our Year 12 VCE and VCAL teachers for their continued support and dedication to ensuring our students in this important year for them. Any remote learning (long or short) is not an ideal scenario in their final year of secondary schooling, but we are pleased everyone is coping and supporting each other. A reminder to families to please encourage your child to report any concerns to their teacher.


Student wellbeing has been reported to be quite steady. No concerns have been reported which is great to hear. It's important that now we are back on site, that parents do let their child’s mentor teacher know of any concerns that we can follow up on.