VCE Music 

Unit 3/4 Performances

On Tuesday 25 and Thursday 27 May, all VCE Music students performed selected pieces as part of their solo and/or group assessment, for Unit 3/4 Music Performance. 


Due to the most recent COVID restrictions, we were unable to have an audience, however, the performances were live-streamed through the school YouTube channel to parents and friends at home. 


Congratulations and well done to all the students who performed. 


Thank you to our Performing Arts Captain and MC Bri and to Mrs Ventura, Miss Wells, Shai Martin and Kizzy Davies for assessment advice and feedback. 


Performances can be viewed via these links;


Performance Night 1


Performance Night 2

Mid-Year Concert

Monday 21 June

Our mid-year concert is fast approaching and students are busy preparing and rehearsing pieces to perform on the night. 


The LHS Concert Band, Junior Rookie Band and our smaller ensembles are all learning new pieces in anticipation of what will be their first concert since 2019! 


Put the date in your diaries and keep a lookout on Compass for further information closer to the date.

Year 7A Music

Recently Miss Daivis, Mr Lyons and Miss Cumming ran a recruitment session with 7A to introduce the class to the range of instruments students can learn at Lilydale High School. 


The session generated much interest with several students joining the program on both brass and woodwind instruments. We welcome these students to our Instrumental Music program and look forward to seeing their skills and new friendships develop.

Singing Lessons

We have a handful of places available for singing lessons with our voice teacher, Kizzy Davies. 


If students are interested in developing their vocal chords or just have a passion for singing, they can contact Miss Cumming, Ms Goode or Kizzy at


Jacki Goode and Amy Cumming

Instrumental Music Coordinators