School Council News

Danny Benjamin

We are well into term three now and the school continues to go from strength to strength. Open days, book days and the upcoming school concert (the highlight of the school year for sure) are all  great opportunities to see our kids in action. 


On top of that we have the CSPS annual disco, bogan bingo and fathers day breakfast coming up. And we shouldn't forget that these events are only possible thanks to the wonderful work of the volunteers at the Parents Association.


I was also very pleased to see that in the recent NAPLAN results our school was ranked first in every category relative to comparable schools and schools within our region. These results demonstrate the sustained effort and focus by our teachers on delivering the best quality teaching across all our students. I can't thank our teachers enough for their patience, commitment and enthusiasm.


I was reminded this week that while there are a lot of good things going on it is not smooth sailing for everyone. So please take a moment to check in with each other, invite someone for a coffee, go for a walk. As always please reach out if you need anything.


Happy Friday, have a good weekend and good luck to the Matilda's!!!


Danny Benjamin

School Council President

0414 834 645