Michaela Patel

Date: 9 August 2023

The theme for National Science Week this year is Innovation: Powering Future Industries, and our students are certainly showing their enthusiasm for science and innovation through our new STEM program. Next week, students will participate in a special Science Show and our STEM lessons will have a distinct focus on innovation and creativity. In the meantime, let’s look at what’s been happening in Years 3-5 so far this term.


Our Place in Space

Did you know that a shot put will hit the ground at exactly the same time as a piece of paper??? Year 5 students have been investigating our solar system and the origins of the Universe in STEM classes, and last week, they explored how gravity affects everything. 


Cooper and Lior tested a beanbag and a dodgeball to see which would hit the ground first.


Lego Education

Students in Years 3 and 4 are now fully engrossed in learning about coding, forces and simple machines through our new Lego program. In Year 3, the focus is on solving problems for our diverse characters as they explore the world around them. In Year 4, students are learning about Newton’s Laws of Motion as they make and code crazy carnival games.


Emily & Chloe coded a solution for their Lego Alarm
Oscar and Oliver made their hockey game even more complicated!
Lego Minifigures - Maria, Daniel, Leo and Sophie
Emily & Chloe coded a solution for their Lego Alarm
Oscar and Oliver made their hockey game even more complicated!
Lego Minifigures - Maria, Daniel, Leo and Sophie



If you have any questions about our STEM program, please contact Ms Patel