What we've been up to...

Middle Secondary Camp

Our Middle Secondary Students had a fantastic time at their school camp last week. Thank you, Camp Fairbairn, for having us!

Shrek the Musical

Some of our Secondary students got to attend a dress rehearsal for Shrek the Musical, performed by North Rockhampton SHS students on Friday 21 July.


RDSS Track & Field Trials

Congratulations to Phoenix, Jaxon, Dylan, Logan, Mikayla & Montell who all represented our school at the Rockhampton District Track & Field Trials yesterday. All 6 students were successful in being selected to represent the Rockhampton District at the Capricornia Regional Trials in Mackay later this month.

Amazing effort! We are so proud of you all!!

RBM Photo Competition


Check out some of the photos that have been submitted by our school for the Rockhampton Business Machines photo competition for Theme 1 & 2. (Backyard & animals) Thank you for submitting your entries - there are still two more weeks to go! (Keep an eye out on Seesaw & Facebook for the theme!) 

Cooper - Backyard
Tyler - Backyard
Cooper - Animals
Cooper - Animal
Mikayla - Animals
Walter - Animals
Cooper - Backyard
Tyler - Backyard
Cooper - Animals
Cooper - Animal
Mikayla - Animals
Walter - Animals