Primary 7

Primary 7 are settling well into term 3. We have welcomed a new student, Avah into our classroom. She has settled in well and has made a lot of positive friendships with her fellow classmates. 


During term 3 we will be exploring a variety of different poems and rhyming words. The students will also be looking at their identity and what makes them unique. Then we will learn how to write poems about our identity, creating our own poem book all about us. Primary 7 are very excited about writing their own poems.


The phonics program we introduced in the beginning of the year has been a positive experience for all the students. This will ensure all students have the tools to successfully and confidently blend sounds, decode words and read words.


Primary 7 have been working really hard in Maths so far this semester. The students have been learning simple addition, subtraction and multiplication using a variety of different strategies to gain their confidence to work independently. We will continue to work on partitioning numbers using place value and counting collection of numbers.


Our class has also been focussing on Positive Behaviour for Learning. We have been discussing how we can use our Courage, Cooperation and be Caring to our friends and family at school, at home and in the Community.