Principal's Report

Dear families,


Darumbal Language and Culture

We had a great day last Tuesday, introducing the students to Darumbal Language & Culture. The students displayed enthusiasm and participation throughout each class’s session. They embraced the tasks of repeating Darumbal language words, introducing themselves in Darumbal and creating posters which featured a Darumbal Language word and a drawing of the animal word they chose. Our wonderful Teachers played a vital role in fostering a supportive and encouraging environment, readily accommodating the needs of our staff and offering their assistance whenever required. 


Here are some photographs of some of the deadly posters the students made.


Collegial Engagement 

Over the course of this term, I have been visiting each classroom to provide feedback to staff on their pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning. I am blown away by the quality of learning that is happening in every classroom and the amount of School Value Coins that students are receiving for displaying our school expectations. Thank you to all families for supporting your child in learning.  There is lots of evidence of improved academic and social and emotional progress with regular attendance. Unless your child is unwell, students need to be attending school on a daily basis. Students cannot be learning, making friends, revising work and getting support in different areas if they are not here. I urge families to support their child’s learning by sending them to school. In cases where students are absent for more than three consecutive days, we will be making contact with families. Every second of every minute of every hour of every session of every day of learning counts. Learning starts at 8:50 a.m. each day in every classroom. Arriving after this time is considered late and contributes to your child’s attendance rate. Learning at our school concludes at 2:50 p.m. every day. 



Did you know that skin damage can occur in just 10 minutes in the sun ☀? Although it’s winter, the UV index is high in Queensland all year-round. Don’t let your guard down, regularly check your skin and remember to slip, slop, slap, seek and slide. Visit Queensland Health for more information.


School Opinion Survey

The annual suite of School Opinion Surveys will close on 18 August 2023. All families, school staff and students will be invited to participate. We encourage you to take this opportunity to have your say about what our school does well, and how we can improve. An invitation to complete the Parent/Caregiver Survey has been emailed to one parent/caregiver per family in the week beginning Monday 17 July. The invitation will be sent from the Department of Education, not the school, and it will have the subject line School Opinion Survey for parents and caregivers, 2023. Check your junk email folders if you can’t find it. The survey can be completed as soon as the invitation is received and will take approximately 5 minutes using a computer, tablet or smart phone. Thank you to the many parents who have already completed the School Opinion Survey. If you haven’t completed the survey yet, I encourage you to do so as the results of the School Opinion Survey help us form actions and target in various aspect of our school in our Annual School Improvement plans.


Track and Field

Congratulations to six of our students who participated in the District Track and Field Competition yesterday. These students have all progressed to the Regional Track and Field Event. Emily and Darryl are working hard on training our students during breaktimes to develop their fitness levels and to have the skills to participate in Track and Field events. Good luck students of RNSS!



Our new building and refurbishment are progressing on schedule. The new building should finish during the September holidays or early Term 4. They have commenced painting and fitting cabinetry. We are all getting very excited to see the finished products of both the new building and the refurbishment.


Have a fabulous two weeks 😊

Dehlia Dawson