Sustainable snapshot

By Miss Dunstan

Keep Australia Beautiful week 

From the 7th to the 14th of August is Keep Australia Beautiful week. 


Since it began over 50 years ago the Keep Australia Beautiful campaign has worked with communities across Australia to ensure every Australian is inspired and empowered to take action to protect the environment for generations to come. 


5.4M TONNES OF PACKAGING IS SOLD IN AUSTRALIA. Just 16% of plastic packaging is recovered in Australia compared to 63% of paper and cardboard packaging.


Ways you can get involved: 

  • Clean up your local neighbourhood 
  • Take action in your own home and reduce plastic consumption
  • Take the zero waste challenge for the week, can you keep plastic purchases to a minimum and fit the entire weeks waste into one small bag? 
  • Write to your local member of parliament to ask about ways the council is promoting sustainable initiatives & reducing our plastic problem
  • Reach out to your local council and find out about incentives and rebates for sustainable initiatives - there are plenty of rebates available through the City of Casey including garden composting, cloth nappies and reusable sanitary items.